So what was it about Ry guy's steaks that converted me? A little love and bacon grease. Doesn't that just solve about everything?
But don't ask me to grill it for you, I'd rather bake it! Yep, bake it! So here's my guide to all the gals out there looking to make a great steak fo yo man! In less than 15 mins. you'll be the perfect significant other noshing away on your perfect steak! Like her...
Image cred: Gaia Health Blog
Anyways. First, decide on the type of cut you want, I chose NY Strip (see my "steakpendix" below). No matter what you choose, make sure they're at least an inch and a half thick!
Bring that steak home and don't put it in the fridge! Leave it out to come to room temp. Also heat your oven to 350. While you're at it, prep a cast-iron skillet by putting it over some really low heat.
After your steak is room temperature, salt and pepper both sides of the cut.
Now, its bacon time. So guilty confession, we save the grease from bacon in a mason jar that we keep in the fridge at all times. If you have it, great, use it. If you don't, substitute canola oil.
At this time, you can crank the skillet heat up as well.
Drop 2 tbs. of bacon grease into your hot skillet, it should sizzle and immediately start melting.

Now, time to lay your steaks into that beautiful sizzling grease. I recommend using long stemmed tongs to do this so that you don't get burned!
You're going to cook these for about 2-3 minutes on each side. These were pretty large steaks, so I cooked them for the good 3 mins on each side.

Next, pop that whole skillet with the steaks in it in the oven. Leave it well and alone for 5 minutes.
Remove your steaks and let them rest with a piece of tin foil laid over the top very lightly, don't close it all the way off. Leave them for 10-15 minutes (or as long as your gurgling stomach will let you).
Ta-da!!!!! You did it! Isn't that easy peasy!?
Now plate it up and get ready to blow. your. man's. mind. Seriously, screw the wedding chicken, I think a lot more guys will be ready to pop the question after trying this masterpiece.
- Steaks of your choice
- Sea salt to coat each side
- Pepper to coat each side
- ~2 Tbs. Bacon Grease (can substitute canola oil)
The "Steakpendix"
aka: My common gal definitions for the three types of steak I would use for this recipe.
Any of these will work for this method, the key is just to make sure it’s at least an inch and a half thick. Here’s the three I would choose from and why:
- NY Strip – This is my fav cut and what I used for this post. It’s #1 in my book because it’s the perfect combination of fat to meat ratio (aka: it has good marbling) and is usually about middle of the road in $$. It’s also sometimes only a $1 or $2/lb more compared to Ribeye. Again, key is to get a thick piece.
- Ribeye – The Ribeye is reaching Cher Horowitz status y'all (Clueless, anyone?). Its quickly becoming more popular because people are starting to realize that in this highly marbled steak, fat content = flavor. But beware! Fat can harden if you cook it too fast and be gristley (ew!). It is the least expensive of the three. If you can't find a thick one, you may need to reduce the oven time some.
- Filet/Filet Mignon/Tenderloin – Obviously, we all love a good filet and know it’s more expensive. Keep in mind a filet is the tenderloin of the beef, you know, like pork tenderloin, but cut into the little thick pieces you see in the store. If you’re up to it, buy the whole tenderloin, cut your own and freeze the rest for later. This one’s always delish, and in one of my favorite steak dishes – Beef Wellington!