I'll spare you my Halloween obsessions (that rival that of Claire Dunphy) for this post, but have to comment on another obsession of mine, Pinterest.
I'm sure a lot of you have already been turned on to this wonderful website chock full of amazing ideas, projects and SO much more. But if you haven't, go check it out!

I usually end up re-creating one thing from pinterest a week at least, whether its a recipe I've tagged, a surcie for someone, or something for our new house. So I decided I would share a pinterest creation once a week, come "unpinned" if you will, and let you know how successful the project was!
Here's my favorite from this week, a pumpkin pound cake. Unfortunately, I made it while trying to multitask and do a million things, so I only have a snapshot of the final product. But never fear, I've added some tips after the image that will get you through the project if you want to test it out too!

I apparently didn't ever pin the original post where I got this idea, but here is the pin for the recipe I used to make the pumpkin pound cake.
Basically, you'll need the ingredients in the recipe above, preferably two of the same bundt pans (I only had one and it took awhile to bake and cool the cakes). Other items I used were cream cheese icing, food coloring, Swiss Cake Rolls and a Ziplock bag.
I put the icing with red and yellow coloring in the Ziplock and cut a hole in the corner for an easy icing spreader.
And to achieve this spherical shaped cake, I baked two pumpkin pound cakes in a standard bundt pan and laid them on top of each other with icing in between to stick the two together, lining up the grooves.
The "stem" is made out of two Swiss Cake Rolls sitting on top of some of the excess cake I cut off earlier, this filled up my hole in the middle. I iced on top and around that hole to cover up the fact that I practically stuffed a whole third cake down the middle.
Oh and those little things sitting around the cake, those are snack sized Reese's pumpkins that I had a bag of at home and didn't want to be tempted to eat all by myself.
Now go stuff your face, share with friends and enjoy. Cheers, y'all!
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