I think we should start a family bakery! But then again, after the day is coming to an end and we're all covered in chocolate and sugar, I always think twice.

Here is the beginning of this year's bake fest!
We even got Ryan involved some this year making homemade Reese cups.
Some of the end results (there were two more refrigerators full of candies too)!
My Aunt Kristin packing up some of her goodies. She's due in January, we'll have to wait and see if she has a Christmas baby!
My little brother kept our cousin Preston entertained by sharing some treats.
Caught ya! My Mom and Dad during the baking extravaganza, of course Dad was doing his job of just eating everything we made.
Ryan thought I wouldn't catch him either when he snuck in to grab a bite.
I always have so much fun doing this with my family. If you want any of the recipes or how-tos on any of the things we made, just let me know and I will post them. Here's a little list of the things we made this year:
- Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks - Chocolate Covered Small Twistie Pretzels - White Chocolate & Semi-Sweet Chocolate Reindeer Poop - Chocolate Covered Peanuts - Chocolate Covered Raisins - Spritz Cookies - Chocolate Oreo Truffles - Homemade Reese Cups - Chocolate Peanut Butter Bugles -
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