Ohhhhhhh this is a good one y'all! On this
SO Obsessed Sunday I'm recapping a little bit of fun we had this weekend, all thanks to some quick thinking and a little spontaneity.
Ryan and I were just saying how we miss the spontaneous trips and mini adventures that we would so frequently take in college. Granted, we had a lot more time on our hands back then. You know though, now that we're in a new city which provides easy access to so many new places on the east coast, we need to take advantage!
Plus, I start my new job on Monday and was ready for one little last fun summer trip before diving back into the "real world".
So I happened to google show times for the
Legends of the Summer Tour featuring
Jay-Z and
Justin Timberlake on Thursday. Well guess what, they happened to be in
Baltimore, MD that very night. Baltimore is now only 2.5 hours away and lots of people were selling tickets at discount on
Craigslist because they couldn't go last minute. So we got a doggie sitter, tapped into some
Hilton Honors points and went on our merry way!
I decided not to tell Ry where we were headed until about 30 minutes into our trip. Needless to say, he was very surprised and we cranked the
20/20 Experience, plus a lotta Jay-Z old and new, and made our way up north.
We ended up being a little late to the concert, but you know how it goes, they were only a couple songs into the night anyway. Phew!
Here's some of our favorite moments from the night. And honestly, we were so busy just enjoying ourselves that we didn't take that many pictures/videos!

Jay-Z was aaaaaahhhhhmazing!

Ry had a blast "dusting his shoulders off" and stating that he may have 99 problems, but guess what isn't one... :)

Oh hey JT!

I was amazed at all the instruments JT plays, especially considering it was often as backup for Jay-Z!
Remember this one? Yeah we were getting our '90s on during Big Pimpin'!
Oh the wonderful song that brought this dynamic duo together... Suit and Tie!
I'm not gunna lie, I was a little excited to witness this epic live version of Cry Me A River!
Seriously, one of
the best concerts I've ever, ever been to! Look up where your nearest show is now and run, run fast and get there no matter what! I honestly was thinking I would go and enjoy JT the most, but I left remembering the geniusness that is Jay-Z. I forgot how many epic songs he sings and live, he just blows everyone away.
After sleeping in and chugging some coffee,
Coca-Cola and greasy eggs, we headed out on Friday to take advantage of Maryland and Baltimore for a few hours before getting on the road. We decided we had to have some authentic Maryland crab, mallets, mess and all.

We ended up at Nick's which is on the harbor and was yummy and gorgeous!

Trying out a Maryland IPA!

Ryan had to order a crab cakes for the sake of "Crab Cakes and Football" (via Wedding Crashers).

Crab dip! I think we were at this restaurant for at least 3 hours enjoying the view, weather, beer and food!

Here we go! After a mini-tutorial from our waitress we became quite the crab dismantling pros!

Ummmm yeah, this was not the proper way to eat a crab.

Oh he got a good one! Seeing Ry eat these was so entertaining, he now has an obsession with whole crab needless to say.
After we rolled/crawled out of the restaurant we hit up the
Baltimore Aquarium. Ryan was very excited because, just in time for shark week, the aquarium featured some new shark exhibits.

Ok, I admit it, I was a little excited to see these large sharks up close too!

Ryan is a Megalodon believer or "Megaliever" as I like to say. This mold of his jaw was insane!

We found Nemo!

Crazy, huge eel that we both were a little freaked out and in love with! I couldn't decide if this was Flotsam or Jetsam.
We had a blast and feel so energized after such a fun trip!
So I dare you, get spontaneous, see where it takes you and what kind of adventures you can have!! Cheers!