This past week marked my first week at my new job. One of my tasks was to read and take the Strengths Finder test by Tom Rath and Gallup Press. The purpose of this reading and test is to show that people are much more effective when they, and their leadership, focus on the strengths of that individual. We all are so focused on our weaknesses and overcoming them, when in reality we should be focusing on our strenths to help lead us to a successful future.
Makes total sense, righ!? Now why weren't we doing this all along people...

After reading this introduction, I then used my access code to take the online test. You choose which of the two statements match you better on a "strongly describes me" scale" (see sample below).

After taking the timed test, you are given five strenths (out of 34). It only takes about 30 minutes. You then can read what these strenths mean and how to apply them. I found my results so interesting, especially the first two which surprised me until I read more details. My strengths were:
1. Strategic
2. Individualization
3. Positivity
4. Communication
5. Achiever
Reading the details of these got me excited to apply them tomorrow at work, and it was fun to share with my husband in response to what he remembered his to be when he took the test a couple years ago. I encourage you for work, school or professional to go buy the book and take the test!
So anywho, enough about strengths, let's talk about a fun and exciting "weakness".
Lilly Pulitzer.
I received an oh so fun email yesterday about the annual, once a year, Lilly Pulitzer Summer Sale! Yay!!

I just love this sale, so I didn't want to forget to remind y'all to set your alarms for 8am tomorrow because its on!
Ok, that's it for tonight folks, just two important obsessions on strenghts and weaknesses. Happy shopping, let me know your strengths, oh and what new LP beauties you obsess over too!!!
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