You know when you feel one of those seismic shifts happening in your life? Getting engaged, landing a new job, getting married, buying your first home, having a baby. I'm feeling that shift right this second, it's happening y'all. Something that we thought would only maybe happen in 5-10 years, is actually happening right.this.second.
You guys. We are moving to... CHARLESTON, SC!!!!
Can ya believe it?! 'Cuz I'm still in shock! Now, let me back up a little from here. We moved from our home state of South Carolina back in early 2013 for my favorite Virginia city of Richmond. After 2 1/2 years, one house and one precious little girl later
we relocated to Northern Virginia, right outside of DC in Arlington where we've been for a year. Don't get me wrong, DC is a cool town, but I think we were always pining for lowcountry living, closer to all our family. Especially once little Sully came into our lives - it's crazy what a difference having family nearby can make once you have a baby.
Well let me tell you guys, God truly has a plan bigger than you can ever imagine. At least that's what we found out recently. Something we had buried so deep in our hearts because we thought the right career and timing would never come along, all the sudden became a reality. Oh how good He is...
Just last week Ryan signed an offer letter to work for a wonderful company on Daniel Island doing what he loves, now just a short drive both from his family and mine. It still hasn't sunk in yet to be honest. Seeing as everything has happened so fast, I don't really know what's next for me. Thankfully, I will be able to work remotely for a short time doing my current job. On that note, I would love any suggestions on companies or folks I should reach out to in social media/marketing/brand strategy if you have them. Also, send any daycare/childcare suggestions you might have my way too please!

As for where we're going to actually live, we have temporary housing for a little while so we can (hopefully) find a place to buy in the meantime. We're looking in downtown on the peninsula (hello fixer uppers!) and in Mount Pleasant. We've already started working with a wonderful realtor, I forgot how much I love house hunting! It's already pretty apparent there's not much inventory and things go fast though, so if you know of someone in either of those areas looking to sell, let me know!
Our actual move date is in mid-July, so we have a few more weeks up here before the movers come to pack all our stuff up, move it into storage and we move into temporary housing. Crazy!
I'm so excited to document and continue this journey right here on this 'lil blog. Stay tuned for more updates. Plus I've got not one, but TWO gorgeous Charleston weddings to share with you soon if you're in need of a lowcountry fix!