I've been hearing a lot about Beautycounter online and then most recently stumbling across their beautiful products in Target. Then my friend Nicole who visited last weekend brought all of her products with her and I used them all weekend...
...y'all, I fell in LOVE!
Can you hang on tight though? Because I'm about to get personal, probably offend some people, blow your mind with some facts and overall write a lot of words.
Ok so back to my newest discovery of Beautycounter. I was in L-O, L-O, L-O-V-E.
But wait. Pause. Let me stop RIGHT here. (And this is where I'm getting honest and hope y'all don't get offended.) Then I found out they're a direct sales company. Ugh. I did the eye roll, stomach tense of dread that I get every time a friend or acquaintance messages me about their direct sales company. We've all done that right?
And in all honestly after I get over myself, I really do absolutely adore all my Stella & Dot jewelry (it's really all I ever wear fashion jewelry wise), I love being on a routine and seeing results with Rodan & Fields, I couldn't cook without my Pampered Chef, you get my point...
So as you can guess from the above, this blog post is not some big revelation, buy everything from me, I'm now a consultant and I'm also going to hound you on Facebook thing. I'm not signing up to sell (although, never say never). I'm still skeptical. I definitely don't think I have the time. And so on.
But this time definitely was different, it was the first time I've ever been totally blown away by a company's mission, quality of product and price. Here's what got me thinking and ultimately made me fall into obsession...
Do you know what's in your skincare, beauty and hair products and how it's affecting you long term? What about that bubble bath your kiddo is so happy to see fizz up each night or the lovely baby smelling shampoo used on her since day one?
I couldn't answer those questions for my daughter. I mean, there must be some governing body at least controlling some of these things just like food, right?
There has not been a law passed regulating cosmetic and personal care products in the US since 1938. Think of all the changes in science and just our lives in general since then!
Ready for another... Europe has banned over 1300 toxic chemicals from being used in skincare. America has banned 11. ELEVEN (let's just insert an OMG emoji here please!).
Thank goodness Beautycounter took it upon themselves to ban 1500 from use at their company, even if they are super cheap to use and sell.
There are tons of other factoids, but those are the two that stuck out to me and that I didn't feel like could be dismissed as things I had already heard or that my hippie friends point out constantly.
I'll acknowledge those things I'm alluding to are still serious though. Things like studies are starting to show some chemicals used in our skincare are linked to reproductive and endocrine issues in women. We all heard about the scary Johnson & Johnson case where the talc powder was linked to ovarian cancer and they didn't disclose information. SO scary.
Here's the Beautycounter video if you want to see more facts and information:
This got me thinking... what am I really putting on my daughter's largest organ, her skin?
I mean we buy all organic, worry about her chicken and her milk and the plastic her sippy cup is made of, but not her bath items. And we all know toddlers are ingesting that stuff too when they play mermaid, among other bath activities.
So I tried out the kids shampoo, conditioner and body wash on Sully. I immediately told Nicole I wanted to buy it in bulk. The smell is wonderful, it's great being able to go to their website and look up what's inside and what it means and hello, the packaging is so cute too!
Kids Shampoo // Conditioner // Body Wash
Then I tried almost every other product she brought throughout the weekend. The stuff actually works you guys, it's not just a bunch of mumbo jumbo and pretty design. Oh and Beautycounter is walking the walk too, going to Washington and pushing to get our legislature to care what is allowed to make it into our beauty and skincare products (like in this letter). Love that - something we can all agree to no matter the political party!
I may have wanted to purchase almost everything I tried, but below are my absolute favorites (besides the kids line of course). I think you'll be really surprised by the prices too, the cleanser is only $26 for example. Not to mention, you can buy them piece by piece and there's no subscription.
Clockwise from top left: Body Wash in Citrus Mimosa // Peppermint Lip Conditioner // Rejuvenating Eye Cream // Nourishing Cream Cleanser // Nourishing Rosewater Mist // Purifying Charcoal Mask
Here's the full line Nicole brought with her, isn't it gorgeous?
Oh and they have baby items too, perfect for new moms and registries...
From left to right: Baby Daily Protective Balm // Baby Soothing Oil // Baby Gentle All-Over Wash
And here are the holiday gifts I'll be requesting and also buying for all my friends and family to try out:
The Jet-Set and the Kiss, Kiss Gift Set

Love & Luster Gift Set
Our Favorites for Your Favorites
Ok, I know that was long and if you seriously read all this, thank you. While I'm not jumping on board to sell right away - don't you feel like you really need to get to know products before just selling them?! - I am hosting an online social that works like any other direct sales party by giving me perks when you purchase, but just online.
So if you're interested in trying out Beautycounter, throw ya girl a bone, purchase through this link and I'll report back on everything I tried!
Also, we're doing a GIVEAWAY! If you make a purchase over $100, you're automatically entered to win (one of my favorites above) a charcoal mask and charcoal bar gift set! Thank you to Nicole for throwing this perk in!
Naughty to Nice Gift Set
Phew! So, what do you think of Beautycounter?
What are your favorite products?
Anyone here sell Beautycounter and want to make a convincing case why I should just bite the bullet and sell something I'm clearly passionate about?
Or maybe why I should just stick to my always-plan of staying out of the direct sales world?
I'm really curious to hear your thoughts! I loved hearing one of my favorite bloggers, Julia Ryan of Pawleys Island Posh, talk about why she joined.
CLICK HERE to shop!
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