Hey y'all! It felt good kicking off the blog with a summer recap here.
Now it's even more exciting to bring back 5 on Friday to share five things I've been loving this week. From beauty products to home decor, links, littles finds and more!
You know I'm all about transparency too, so like normal, a lot of these links are affiliate links which means I get some change thrown my way if you click on them, no charge to you.
{ONE} Lilly Pulitzer After Sale
No surprise here that this is my first favorite thing this week! Lilly FINALLY announced when they're running their After Party Sale. Mark your calendars for not two but THREE days of Lilly madness Monday, August 28th - Wednesday, August 30th.
The sale was on August 22nd last year so I've been waiting for the announcement - I even had someone message me about it on IG the other day!
Stay tuned on my Insta Stories as I'll be sharing more the day-of and leading up to the sale. I think I'll bring y'all in my closet and share my favorite recent styles and fit so you can know in advance what you might want to nab if available. For now, I love this graphic:
What's not included in the graphic above is that a lot of the local signature stores like Palm Avenue here in Charleston have the same things, if not more (and sometimes deeper discounted!) products than what you'll find online. Even places like Amazon price match on the sale dates. So if you don't find what you want in your size or it's sold out, look elsewhere!
I'm betting this dress will be on sale and this is my favorite recent Lilly purchase!
See this past post I did on Summer 2017 favorites, I'm betting a lot of these prints and styles will be in the sale! Also see my past 2016 After Party Sale posts here and here for more tips and tricks!
Happy shopping y'all, see you on Insta Stories! Let me know what you want to know more about or what you're hoping to snag in the comments.
{TWO} Pink Adidas Sneakers
This week I can't help but talk about the sneakers I'm absolutely living in these days. I picked these up at the employee Adidas store in Portland (thank you Sam!). They're sold out in most places, but I found them here even though a lot of sizes are waitlisted.
They are the most comfortable and stylish sneakers EVER, worth every single penny! I've worn them with jeans, leggings and Norts.
{THREE} Framebridge - now at Target
First off, thank you all so much for your help, feedback and sweet words about the redesign of our gallery wall in our house (below). We have only one main room that's our living, dining and kitchen so optimizing the limited wall space we have is key.
Art Clockwise: Haley Mitchell; Ry's First Buck (ha!); Abigail Hudson; Jeanie Graham Drucker; Blue and White Platters from Etsy (similar here, Amazon's blue and white game is strong y'all); Megan Carn; Hannah Betzel
This is completely not sponsored, I love Framebridge this much y'all. I framed all three of my favorite art pieces with them with three different frames (+ some art in my office) and have been so overly satisfied. They rock y'all! And now they have a line with Target, even better!

The above pearlized gold frame is my favorite from the collection I think.
{FOUR} Gold Glitter Native's Back In Stock
Can ya tell we love a good pair of shoes around this house?!
I know I mentioned this in my last post, but I had to put it again here. Sully literally wears her pink or gold glitter natives almost every day to school and requests them often. Each time I post them on Instagram I always get at least one Mama asking me where to find them. They've been sold out for forever! Now they're back in all sizes so don't miss out!
{FIVE} Harney & Sons Paris Tea
I've shared on Instagram with y'all before that I'm a tea drinker and have fallen head over heels in love with this tea from Harney & Sons. It's the absolute perfect blend of vanilla and citrus to make unsweet tea feel like an indulgence. THE BEST!
I linked the Keurig cups above, but the tin version is so beautiful and only $8.50 for 20 bags.
Happy Friday you guys, I hope you love some (or all!) of the above as much as I do. And hey, how's this for blogging two times this week - whoop whoop! Getting back in the swing of things... stay tuned for more!
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