It is officially Fall and while it won't feel like it until a while from now here in Charleston, that didn't stop our little family from jotting down a Fall 2017 bucket list!
You'll see a lot of these floating around in the blogging world this time of year, but I thought I would make ours pretty specific so we actually take action and go do these things vs. just "visit a pumpkin patch".
Here you have it, the Phillips Family's Fall 2017 Bucket List!
{ONE} Attend a Clemson Game
I cheated a tad on this one because we have not only one, but TWO Clemson games already on our calendar! I'm so excited you guys!!! This is the first time we live close enough to actually fit two games in this year. Even better - Sully is coming to at least the first one with us which is homecoming.
You guys have no idea how giddy I am to enjoy Clemson traditions with her! The little things like the homecoming floats, the football players running down the hill, the balloons released into the air, an Esso meal, tailgating and getting a tiger paw painted on her cheek and so much more have me ecstatic!
{TWO} DIY Sully's Halloween Costume
I had so much fun doing this for her last year with her DIY Flamingo Costume! It's something my Nana did for me and I love doing it for my little girl. I'm thinking either Princess Poppy from Trolls or an ice cream cone this year... what do you guys think?!
{THREE} Go to the Boone Hall Pumpkin Patch
Visiting an orchard or pumpkin patch is really high on my fall list every year. Remember how cute Sully was in her 6 months old photos at a pumpkin patch visit?! This year, I've decided on the Boone Hall Plantation pumpkin patch as our destination. I'm sure it will be crazy crowded, but I can't wait to share in the joy with Sully (are you seeing a trend here?)!
{FOUR} Decorate the Front Porch
I've already started on this one with a few pumpkins Ry grabbed for me at Trader Joes. Now I'm thinking of hay bales, our Halloween decor, a fun wreath and anything we find at the pumpkin patch (above).
{FIVE} Bake Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Ever since discovering a recipe for pumpkin coffee cake in this 5 on Friday, I've been dying to bake it this fall! Stay tuned to Instagram Stories to see how it turns out.
{SIX} Host a Chili Cookoff
We've been looking for a way to invite the neighbors over and have a little celebration. What better than some friendly competition mixed in too? Ry and I have already started talking about a plan to host a chili cookoff this season.
Any tips for us? How many chilis should we have? How should people vote? Have a favorite recipe?
{SEVEN} Find the Perfect Pumpkin Candle
I've really struggled with this so far this season y'all! I thought I found the one, only to have Ry say it was "too pumpkin-y". Haha! I've heard good things about the Nest one... any other suggestions?
That's it, which is actually a lot I feel like! Other things I want to do before winter is get in some beach time, a bike ride, finish planting the other garden bed for fall/winter and also finalize our plans for the front porch renovation (more coming on that later).
What's on your fall list?!