Hey there gals and guys, any fellow bookworms amongst us?!
I had a goal in September to get back to reading and with a book club and lots of time in the car with Audible, I'm happy to say I read FOUR books this month and the month isn't even over! {insert mini victory dance, most likely to the Trolls soundtrack}
Since I was so successful in this goal (not so much in some others, more to come here), I thought I would share a review of each of them with you today!
As always, these posts do contain affiliate links. Meaning, if you click on some of these links they could send some change my way at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting this little blog!
{ONE} Cultivate by Lara Casey
If you follow me on Insta Stories you know I actually finished this book at the car wash on Saturday (ha!). I was really excited about this one from the moment I heard Lara Casey was releasing it, following her first book Make It Happen (although you don't need to read it before Cultivate).
I even led a small group here in Charleston as we worked our way through it together. We got a little thrown off by the hurricane, but are going to do a grand finale celebration in a couple weeks!
So what's my official review?
Not to be dramatic, but... this book might have just changed my life y'all! No seriously. It was the first time I got messy and wrote in almost every single margin. I actually would be quite weirded out if anyone ever got ahold of my copy and read it, it's like a diary at this point.
If you're looking for something to bring you closer or back to God, something to reshift your focus on the things that matter in your life and something to make you feel not so alone in your own head - this is the something for you.
It takes time to work through it and you really only can go chapter by chapter because Lara's just dropping so much knowledge and goodness on you :). Bottom line...
{TWO} Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner

Much like Cultivate, this book has the same woven thread of focusing on what matters in life.
The way that Erin writes is refreshing and humorous. Almost to the point where you have to stop and say, "woah, wait, that is so good" because her lessons are so deeply hidden and not preachy at all (neither are Lara's).
I started reading the copy of the book I owned here at home and then bought the Audible version with one of my monthly credits so I could make sure I finished it before The Southern C Retreat where Erin is speaking. I think I did myself a disservice here. So on this one I say...
IF reading yourself, not on Audible. I would also say to space out this one and Cultivate if you want to read both.
{THREE} The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I'll just start out by saying, HIGHLY RECOMMEND! I "read" it in 48 hours y'all (via Audible and with thanks to hurricane traffic).
If you're looking for a light and mysterious book to read, pick up this one next. I haven't read into the inspiration for this novel at all, but I feel like it's a mix between what could have been a story of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. It will really make you think about the ins and outs of Hollywood love stories.
It jumps between modern day via the perspective of journalist Monique Grant who is interviewing the world's largest film star, Evelyn Hugo (now in her 80s) and then Evelyn's perspective throughout her life as she tells her story. You'll be on the edge of your seat trying to figure out the connection between Evelyn and Monique the whole book.
See, Monique is a no-name journalist who Evelyn has precisely sought out to write her life story. So you'll be asking "Why Monique?" when Evelyn could have picked the world's best journalist? As Evelyn's life unfolds, you get closer and closer to the reason(s) why Evelyn lured Monique into her home and into each other's lives forever.
This was one I really enjoyed on Audible. Hope you enjoy it too, no matter which way you read the book! Just in case you missed it above...
{FOUR} Class Mom by Laurie Gelman
This was my least favorite book this month and one I wanted to really enjoy. Don't you hate when that happens?
It's about a Mom who has already had two girls go through elementary and middle school and now has a younger boy in kindergarten. She's talked into being class Mom and via snarky emails and sneaky plots (including chocolate brownies on picture day), ends up getting fired from the job only to earn it back again.
Funny, yes, but not the depth in storyline or good enough twist at the end if you ask me. That said, I think I would have enjoyed it more if 1. I had or had had children in elementary school and 2. If I hadn't listened to it on Audible.
Sadly, on this one...
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