Saturday, January 10, 2015

Holiday Preggo Bumpdate

I had very grand plans of taking weekly update pics and then posting them monthly. Yet here I am in week 25 and haven't done that at. all. I still don't want to miss out on remembering this fun time though, so I'm going to start with a holiday preggo "bumpdate" in hopes of doing them monthly from here on out :).

Here's how Baby and Mama have been progressing and feeling over the holidays...

Baby Size: She's grown from the size of a sweet potato at Thanksgiving to now being the size of a cauliflower today!

I'm Feeling: Pregnant! Baby Movements! It's amazing how much my belly has really, really "popped" over the past few weeks, not to mention how much little girl is moving now! It went from being small kicks in my lower stomach to much bigger ones all over the place. The best is when Ry gets to feel or see the movement. 

Food Love: Apples, Cookies, String Cheese, Cuties, Sprinkle Donuts (must be sprinkle) and H20 galore!

Wardrobe: I'm still able to cling on to some of my non-maternity tops, dresses, PJs (like the cute xmas ones below!) and yoga pants. I'm finding though that I look pregnant (vs. just having a food baby) and am MUCH more comfortable in maternity wear.
Nicknames: Baby P, Prosciutto, Pumpkin, Baby Girl, Little Miss, KimberLori. Thank my mother for this last one - her name is Kimberly and my MIL's name is Lori. She's decided this is the name of our little lady, HA.
Photos: Here's some of my fav preggo photos from over the holidays!

We went to Wintergreen for Thanksgiving with my MIL and SIL and got SO much snow! 
When I found out we were having a girl, I couldn't resist visiting our local Lilly store, Pink Palm!
Right before Christmas, we headed down to Charleston for one of my best friend's weddings. It was so beautiful and I was so honored to stand by her side. More photos to come on that one!
We then headed home to Camden and Greenville for my birthday and Christmas.
My best friend, maid of honor and one of my closest gal pals since 9th grade came back to RVA with us the week after Christmas and before she flew back to San Diego. It was AMAZING to have her with  me for so long! To see our New Year's celebrations, check out this blog post.
Hopefully now I'll get off to a better start and post more bumpdates, stay tuned!

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