Friday, August 5, 2016

Five on Friday: Stox & Co

Happy Friday you guys! 

Stox & Co. I went to a great little event at this gorgeous spa/salon in Mount Pleasant with the Charleston Blog Society. I have always loved Aveda products and this place is just downright relaxing and gorgeous. I booked an appointment right away with Lex and am loving my color and cut! Check out more in the photos below from the oh so talented Gillian of Coastal Bride:
This makeup line is amazing! I bout the un-coverup and this brush is THE COOLEST!

Instagram Stories. They're all the buzz, are you using them? Do you prefer them over Snapcaht? I miss the lenses that make me look like I have makeup on and butterflies on my head ;), but at the end of they day I do have more views on Instagram. This is what I think it will boil down to, at least for bloggers and businesses. You may have seen my Insta story this morning, but here are the three links I was nerding out over:

Would love to hear your opinion - are you going all Insta Stories or staying all Snapchat or a mix? If it's a mix, how are you choosing when to use each one?
Bachelor In Paradise. I admit it, I could not stop watching! (#goawaychad) I even got so engrossed that I forgot about and missed The Hills, ughhhh! Definitely a temp housing negative is no DVR. 

Blonde Dry Shampoo. Listen up blonde friends, you NEED this try shampoo. You know how our roots get a little dark and dingy between washes but the rest of our color is hanging in tight? Well, this dry shampoo puffs in a little color for you, lightening up your roots while adding volume. Buy it here.
Kiddo Adidas Superstar Original Sneakers. Sully's Auntie Sam bought her these shoes and I put them on Sully everyday. She gets tons of compliments and they match everything, they're just so cute. Highly recommend these Mamas! Sully is wearing a 5 right now at almost 16 months. (excuse the terrible pictures, more to come)
Have a great weekend!

Here's who I'm teaming up with today on this Five on Friday: A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness and The Good Life.

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